Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Arusha, Kenya - enroute to Nairobi

Roadside markets and roadside bargaining (from the bus!!)

Our leader Johnson with our driver Samson and cook Susie!!!

Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area

Great viewing points!! And as for these pumbas, aka warthogs, as ugly as they are, they are soooo gorgeous!

The UGLY hyena, again!

The striking wildebeest, old and wise. And the styly zebras!!!

Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area Again

Another Crater shot!!

Brett and Shelley amongst the wildlife!!

Me and our Safari jeep that we drove through the crater

Brett and Shelley!!

Shelley and Tracy amongst the wildlife!

Ngorongoro Crater

This Crater was STUNNING!!!

Tanzanian Masai Tribe

More 'pogo' dancing!!

Our friend 'Paul' who showed us through one of the Masai huts.

Serengeti Day Three!!!

A herd of 19+ Elephants (the whole family!!!)

Believe it or not, this is where the truck decided to 'blow its tyre!' and where I am pointing is where we last saw a leopard!!! Girls on 'Cat' lookout while Boys changed the tyre!!

The Leopard that was spotted!!

Just another Pride of Lions!!

The UGLY hyenas!!

Serengeti Day Two

Love this shot, the Serengeti and the Giraffe!

Self explanatory!!!

The Lions that took over the rocky outcrop from the Cheetah!!

A zebra kill and feast for these Lioness and cubs!!

The vultures waiting for their turn at the feast!!

Serengeti, the next day!!

This was the cheetah moving away from the rock outcrop due to the arrival of 2 Lioness and cubs. She had to leave her cubs there, literally only just born, to try and draw the attention away from the cubs. If the Lions had found them, they would of eaten them. She went a couple of hundred metres away and just sat and watched the Lions.

A morning chew for this Giraffe.

The HIPPO Pond, aka THE POO pond. One never knew how much gas came out of a hippos rear end until this trip!!

THIS WAS AMAZING. Newly killed buffalo, a feast and this male LION was (excuse the french) 'buggered'. You should of seen his stomach going up and down and how physically tired he actually was from eating. He struggled to even move his head and didn't care that we were only metres from him!!

Serengeti sunrise, beautiful!

Serengeti National Park - Tanzania

There is a cheetah here!!

And camping in the Serengeti, no fences to keep the lions out, and NO getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, NO KIDDING!!!!

Lake Victoria - Mumbosa

Still couldn't keep away from a bike!!! But this time dragged Shelley and Brett along with me (actually it may have been Shelleys idea). So we did a 2 hour cycle into the wee town we stayed by Lake Victoria. Great market areas, fish, fruit, veges, beans etc, weird feeling though in town, but great to have all the young kids running out to us yelling 'Jambo'!!

Below, Lake Victoria, beautiful until you got up close and saw all the algae!!! Even the Lonely Planet suggests not swimming in the lake due to those wee bugs that go places one doesn't want to know about.....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Kiisi and Enroute

Above, tea plantations around Kiisi.

Brett and the sandstone woman (who were very excited about seeing themselves on camera!!)

One saw everything on bikes!!

The scenery around Kiisi, hard to believe one was in Africa

More Masai Mara shots .....

Unsure if you can see, but this Lioness had just finished feeding and was sooooooooo pregnant she was about to 'pop'. Look at her paws and stomach!!

The Lioness below was just 'going for a stroll'!!!

Brett below, lets just say we were pretty excited after seeing the Leopard!!